Thursday, November 14, 2013

Super Saturday Recipe

Thanks to Erika Judd, here is the link for the recipe for the Orchard Turkey Burgers. The only difference is we added the Feta and Bacon as an extra! And thank you to all of those who helped make Super Saturday a success!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


We, as disciples of Christ, can be engaged in His work.  Fisher’s Landing Relief Society, will have goals to complete in this upcoming year.  We will accomplish these goals together and they will in turn help us to be successful in the Lords work.

November & December, our GOAL is to “INVITE”:
We have so many joyful opportunities and activities over these next two months that will allow us to share the Light of Christ. Invitation is the key to missionary work. An Invitation, for others to know and learn of Christ, is what is needed.  Be Obedient and do not be worried or concerned with what the out-come will be.  Just get started.  God knows our fears and he will help us.  Pray daily for his help and you will receive it through courage and inspiration from the Holy Ghost.

Invite family, neighbors, co-workers, parents of your kids friends, less-active members and those not of our faith, to attend an activity with you, Invite them to your home, Invite them to learn the true meaning of Christmas, and Invite them to meet our sister missionaries.

Doctrine & Covenants 88:73 “Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.”

 President Thomas S. Monson, “As Latter-day Saints we are blessed to be living in this time when the Lord is hastening His work.  Because God has a purpose in placing us on earth at this time, we have the capacity to do more than we think we can.”

     “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord’s vineyard to bring souls unto Him.  He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways, and He will assist us in our labors if we will act in Faith to fulfill His work.” 

Elder Dallin H. Oaks stated, “From our testimony of the truth and importance of the restored gospel, we understand the value of what we have been given. From our love of God and our fellowmen, we acquire our desire to share that great gift with everyone. The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Into Crafting-- Relief Society Activity November 2nd

Relief Society Meeting

Fall Into Crafting

Saturday, Nov. 2nd 10:00-2:00pm

Lunch - Lunch served at Noon! All sisters are invited to come just for lunch, even if you did not sign up for any craft or class. We would love to get to know you more!

Child Care - The Young Women will provide child care in the nursery room. Space is limited for those in need.

Crafts- Great crafts are on display outside the RS room. They range in price from $3 to $14. Money due NEXT Sunday, October 27th. Please make checks payable to Nancy Kofford. Cash accepted too. Please give money to any member of the RS presidency or Jodi Muraski.

Below are picture samples of the crafts:
JOY Block--$2.00
Winter Sign $3.00

FALL Banner $10.50

Great for Emergencies $14.00

Available Classes:

Green Smoothie Class - 12:45pm 
Wish you had more energy? Wish you ate more healthy?
Wish your kids ate more fruits and vegetables?
Try a green smoothie!
They are loaded with healthy leafy greens and antioxidant rich berries. Instruction will include health benefits, class discussion (we would love to hear every one's tips and ideas!), recipe and samples! No fancy or expensive blender needed. You can make them tasty and desirable!
Already drink green smoothies? Take it to a new level with even healthier ingredients! Class is FREE and taught by Jodi Muraski

DIY Washer - 1:15pm

See a demonstration of the emergency clothes washing bucket in action! Karen Ray will explain its emergency uses and include instances of practical use even when not in an emergency.  Bucket washer is $13.00 or $10.00 (if you bring your own bucket...lids will be provided)

Friday, October 18, 2013



Friday, October 25th,  6:00pm - 8:00pm
McGillivray Building

Bring Chili or Corn Bread to share

Best Tasting Chili Contest

Costume Contest for Kids & Adults

Crafts & Games for kids

Spook Alley

Truck or Treat
Enjoy seeing all the children and hand out
candy from the truck of your vehicle in the parking lot
(Please bring a minimum of 100 pieces of candy)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

General RS Mtg and Soup Supper

General Relief Society Meeting
and Soup Supper

September 28, 2013
5pm - Vancouver East Stake Center
18300 NE 18th Street Bldg

Stake Relief Society is Hosting a 
Soup Supper at the conculsion of the Mtg

Please join us!!

Women's Career Workshop

The LDS Stakes of Vancouver Washington present:

Women's Career Workshop
Sept 18 & 19, 2013

This TWO-DAY workshop will be held
Wednesday & Thursday
at the LDS Chapel in Ridgefield 
(21718 NE 29th Ave, Ridgefield, WA)

 9:30am-2:00pm Daily

Sack lunch will be provided

 You will explore career INTERESTS and GOALS
You will identify key RESOURCES (People, Employers, Schools, etc.)
 You will learn how to begin and polish your INTERACTIONS (Networking, Resumes, Interview Skills)  You will begin a plan for CONTINUED SUCCESS REGISTER TODAY! or call 360.907.5641 with any questions Hosted by the Vancouver West Stake in partnership with LDS Employment Resource Services

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sister Social

Kids Clothing Swap
Tuesday - August 20th
9:30 - 11:30 am
6:30 to 8:00 pm
McGillivray Bldg

We all have kids clothes that are outgrown and not neede anymore.
So why not bring them to a swap?  Here is how it works....

Bring your CLEAN kids clothes (all Sizes) to Karen Ray or Rachael Drake

Rachael and Karen will sort them by gender and size.  Then come to the church 
and "Shop" the clothese that are there.  (all free of course)

You do not need to donate to "shop" and you do not need to "shop" if you donate.

Karen Ray - 360-852-0816   807 SE 197th Ave Camas

Rachael Drake - 360-609-2991  3013 SE 174th Ave  Vancouver

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

RS Bar-B-Que

Please Come Join Us for Dinner and Gardening Tips!
Bring a friend!
July 11, 2013 6-8pm
Becky Jackson's Home
1305 SE Single Tree Lane

A to M = Side Dish
N to Z = Dessert

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Zumba moved to next Wednesday June 19th due to appointment today.  Let's do a kids Zumba at 9:30am since the kids will be out of school. Then we will do the regular Zumba.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sister Social for May

Ruth and Rebecca's Performance Workshop aka Show and Tell

We're getting together for a casual afternoon of visiting and sharing with each other. You can share a talent or just come over for refreshments and spending time together. Your talent can be anything from telling a joke, to showing something you made, singing a number for us, performing a piece on the piano or other musical instrument. 

The objects of this activity are to:
 1--Share with each other in a low-stress environment (unlike performing in Sac. mtg or at a recital). Our performances may not be perfect--we are just sharing what we have been working on. 
2--Enjoy each other! Eat food!

1pm, Monday, May 20 at the home of Ruth Brown 3203 SE 173rd Court

Please email Ruth if you are coming. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Sorry, no Zumba this Wednesday.  Too much to do, too little time.

Mother's Day

Come Join us this Sunday, May 12th
for our Special Relief Society to celebrate
Mother's Day
Refreshments and a Lesson

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

General Conference April 2013

Stake Conference

  • April 10, Wednesday, 7pm Portland Temple Chapel Session

    April 13, Saturday, 7pm at Stake Center - Adult Session

    April 14, Sunday, 10am at McGillvray Bldg - Stake conference broadcast

Monday, March 18, 2013

Calendar Reminders

Upcoming Calendar Events:

Sunday, March 24th - Fast Sunday 9am
Saturday, March 30th - General Young Women rebroadcast 7pm at the Stake Center
Sunday, March 31st - Easter
Saturday & Sunday, April 6 & 7 - General Conference  9am & 1pm
Saturday, April 7th - General Conference Priesthood Sesson 5pm at the Stake Center
Saturday, April 14th - Stake Conference at 10am

Thursday, February 21, 2013

RS Celebration

RS Celebration and Dinner
March 7th, Thursday

We loved reading through the great things you do that bring you joy!  We have a lot of things in common, we like to spend time with family and we love things pertaining to the Gospel!

We would love to incorporate your individual joys in a slide show for our RS Celebration March 7th.  What we would like is for you to send in a picture of yourself doing the thing/things that bring you joy (spending time with family, music, art, gardening, reading, going to the temple, playing sports, eating cupcakes, etc).  If it is something that you wouldn't be able to get a picture of, then please email a picture of yourself and we will write how you find joy next to your picture on your slide.  If you need someone to come take a picture, please give me a call and I would be happy to come by and snap a few!

It is fun to learn more about you sweet sisters and we think it would be great to share your joys with each other.  This slide show won't work though unless you submit.  :)

Please share them with Karen Ray at