Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sister Social

Kids Clothing Swap
Tuesday - August 20th
9:30 - 11:30 am
6:30 to 8:00 pm
McGillivray Bldg

We all have kids clothes that are outgrown and not neede anymore.
So why not bring them to a swap?  Here is how it works....

Bring your CLEAN kids clothes (all Sizes) to Karen Ray or Rachael Drake

Rachael and Karen will sort them by gender and size.  Then come to the church 
and "Shop" the clothese that are there.  (all free of course)

You do not need to donate to "shop" and you do not need to "shop" if you donate.

Karen Ray - 360-852-0816   807 SE 197th Ave Camas

Rachael Drake - 360-609-2991  3013 SE 174th Ave  Vancouver

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

RS Bar-B-Que

Please Come Join Us for Dinner and Gardening Tips!
Bring a friend!
July 11, 2013 6-8pm
Becky Jackson's Home
1305 SE Single Tree Lane

A to M = Side Dish
N to Z = Dessert