Thursday, September 25, 2014

Elder Holland introduces "Meet the Mormons"

Celebrate You Activity

All Women are invited to Join us

For an evening to

Celebrate You!

Thursday, October 2nd
13600 SE McGillivray Blvd

~Image Consulting with Caroline Monson~
~Fitness with Rachel Drake~
~Positive Self Talk with Karen Ray~

Monday, September 8, 2014

September and October Goal: Serve with the Sister Missionaries

September and October: Our goal is to “Serve with the Sister Missionaries”.

We invite each sister in our ward to serve with our sister missionaries. Over the next two months, if you haven't already, sign up to go with the missionaries as they serve on appointments and meeting people in our community. It will bring inner joy and build up your own testimony by sharing the message of Christ's love and being with our Sister Missionaries.

"The Lord made it very clear at the start of this last dispensation that we were to take the gospel to all the world. ... Whatever our age, capacity, Church calling, or location, we are as one called to the work to help Him in His harvest of souls."
—Henry B. Eyring, "We Are One"

"Let us be awake and not be weary of well-doing, for we “are laying the foundation of a great work,” even preparing for the return of the Savior. Brethren, when we add the light of our example as a witness to the beauty and power of restored truth, we will not sleep through the Restoration."
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?

General Women's Meeting

You are invited to attend the General Women's Meeting.